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Hunter's Animals

In the southwest corner of Chestnut Town is Hunter's Animal Shop. He has animals and animal related products for sale from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. His shop is closed on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

When you first meet Hunter he'll give you a Brush, Milker, Pitchfork, Clippers, and 10 Animal Feed. These tools don't have upgrades from Brutus' Blacksmith that you have to remodel. You will automatically use the correct animal tool when it is required.

Hunter will have a pet Dog for sale in his shop once you upgrade your house to the Large House, which requires 40 Hardwood Lumber, 10 Glass, 5 Mithril, and 85,000 G. The upgraded house comes with pet food dishes that you'll need to fill every day to feed your Dog. You can also befriend the wild Bobcat at that time; the kitty isn't an animal for sale at Hunter's shop. The Bobcat will also become one of your house pets once you have picked it up enough times to earn a little bit of friendship with it.

The pets stay inside your house and walk around. They don't bring home any items or help out with the farm chores.

Animal Food
Animal Feed20 G
Great Animal Feed70 G
Delicious Animal Feed180 G
Animal Supplies
Animal Medicine5000 G
Chicken Medicine3500 G
Miracle Potion8000 G
Cow (baby)10,000 G
Sheep (baby)10,000 G
Chicken (baby)2000 G
Horse20,000 G
Dog8000 G
Brown Cow (baby)15,000 G
Cotton Sheep (baby)15,000 G
Brown Chicken (baby)3000 G

The Brown Cow, Cotton Sheep, and Brown Chicken animals will appear in his inventory after you update your game to version 1.5 or higher.

Delicious Animal Feed will appear in his shop inventory once Hunter is between 1 and 1.5 Music Notes of friendship (it's more than 1 note but less than 1.5 notes).

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