Getting Married

Besides farming, you can become extra super friends with special villages, who can eventually become your spouse. There are five marriage candidates available for each gender, and you can only marry a person of your opposite gender.



Marriage Requirements

You can't get married right away. There are some requirements you must complete to prove that you have made an effort to accommodate another person living with you.

Red Heart Color

If you want to have a husband or wife, you need to work on raising the person's friendship level. When you talk to a candidate, you will see a colored heart next to their portrait. The color of heart will tell you how affectionate the person is towards you.

A red heart color is reached when you have earned 60,000 or more FP. As you give gifts and talk to the person, his or her heart color will change. There are 7 heart color stages.

Each of the marriage candidates has different gift preferences. Their "Special" gift is worth +800 FP, the "Love" gift is +500 FP, and the "Like" gift is +150 FP. Give the person the best gift you can each day.

For an extra challenge, the marriage candidates Emiko and Amir do not have visible heart colors. If you want to marry one of them, you will need to keep an eye on the number of hearts thay have instead of a heart color. Check the bookcase next to your bed to view the heart markers for each villager. When you have 10 hearts with Emiko or Amir, it does not automatically mean you have a red heart color. The 10th heart maker will appear when you have reached about 59,000 FP. You still need to give additional gifts after you see the last heart appear on the villager profile pages in order to reach the required 60,000 FP.

Heart Events

Daisy's Purple Heart Event

You will also need to trigger heart events that give a back story on how the person feels towards you. There are heart events at Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow heart colors, and you must view them in order.

During the event you will be asked a question. If your answer is liked by the marriage candidate, then you will earn between +2000 and +5000 FP. If your answer choice is not liked, then you will lose Friendship Points. Even if you pick the wrong answer accidentally, it doesn't mean you can't marry that person. You just lose some friendship, which you can regain by giving gifts again.

Emiko only has events at 10,000, 20,000, and 40,000 FP. She doesn't have a Black (0 FP) heart event.

Some of the heart events also require you to have a certain level of friendship with other event participants. For example, in Daisy's Purple Heart event, you need to have at least 500 FP with Angelo before the event can trigger.

Big Bed

To make room for your future spouse, you will need to purchase a larger bed for your house. You can purchase the bed for 10,000 G at the Bazaar shop, Flowing Furniture. This shop is available from the beginning of the game.

Family Friendship

Before you can marry someone, you also need to have a minimum friendship level of 30,000 with the person's family. It wouldn't be polite for you to woo away someone who is important to them! If you don't have the required friendship, then you can't marry that person until you do. Some marriage candidates don't have any family, so this requirement may not be important.

Year 2, Blue Feather, and Proposal

Proposing to Emiko

To propose marriage to your potential spouse, you will need to give him or her the Blue Feather. This item will be given to you by Stuart and Ethel when you have reached an orange heart color with a marriage candidate. The handing over of the Blue Feather will occur at your farm house, but only after you have reached your second year in the game. You can not get married if you are still in year 1.

When you have completed all of the marriage requirements, you can propose to your love. Give the person the Blue Feather and he or she will accept it. If you try to give the Blue Feather and it is rejected, then you have NOT completed the marriage requirements. Go back and double check to make sure you have accomplished everything.

The Wedding

If your Blue Feather is accepted, the wedding will be scheduled for 7 days later. Weddings can't occur on the same day as festivals or bazaars, so it may be bumped to another day that will fit better. The wedding date will not show on the calendar inside your house.

The wedding ceremony with Freya

If you marry Emiko, the wedding is at her shrine with no one else in attendance. If you marry anyone else, the wedding will be at the town square with all of the other villagers. There are no wedding clothes and Felix presides over the ceremony.

Once the ceremony is over, the game credit will roll and you will return back to your farm house.

After you're married, your new spouse will ask you what nickname you would like to be called. You can choose a new name or simply re-enter your existing one. Some people like cute pet names ("honey", "dear", etc.), and some like goofy names ("dude", "you", etc.). The new name you choose can not be changed later!

Once your spouse has moved in, there's not much to expect out of him or her. You won't get a cooked meal or help with your farm. Your spouse will simply stand around when at home, and will leave from time to time to do things he/she did before marriage; Agi goes to his shop to work, Ivan leaves for the city to teach, Daisy goes to the hotel, etc.


Once you are married, you can celebrate your wedding anniversary together. Go into your house after 8:00 pm (when not holding an item) and if your spouse has at least a yellow heart color, the two of you will have a special meal.

Birthdays are also celebrated: your's, your spouse's, and your child's. To celebrate birthdays, you go into your house after 8:00 pm again on the date of the birthday. Your spouse must be at a yellow heart color or higher, and if you have a child that can walk, your child must also have at least 40,000 FP. If your child can't walk or you don't have one yet, then you don't have to worry about the additional child friendship requirement.

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