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Ushi No Tane

Official Bokumono Website


XSeed Games

@Cherubae on Twitter

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The Ushi No Tane websites specialize in information, FAQs, and guides about the Nintendo console versions of the Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, and Legend of the River King video games. These game genres are created and published in Japan by Marvelous (JP). In other regions, you'll find Natsume, XSeed Games/Marvelous (USA), Marvelous (EU), and Rising Star involved in the series' release.

The latest version of the mainstream farming series that have been released in various regions of the world are:

The latest version of River King, in all regions of the world, is River King: Mystic Valley (JP 2007, NA 2008, EU 2009).

Since 2000, Ushi no Tane has been run by a grouchy old lady who happens to be fond of video game agriculture along with two feline helpers: Intern Captain Bootu and Intern Hondo Mewnaka. The website is not officially affiliated, sponsored, endorsed, or employed by the developers of Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, or River King. This is simply a fan site.

Latest Farming Video Game News

A Couple of Indie Farm'n Game Updates | Posted at 04:06 PM 19 April 2024

Happy Farm'n Friday! I believe contact with my brother was the cause of my unexpected cold last Friday. Bleh. Mr.Fogu wouldn't let me leave the house, in case I was "infectious," in his words. Thankfully, it was a short sickness, and I was up and about by Sunday afternoon. The funny thing is my brother wasn't sick at all. I apparently had a reaction to his hippie, off-grid lifestyle.

"lol does he have dreadlocks and drive an old 1970s van?" you may wonder. Yes, and yes...

Days before I got sick, I planted the second batch of potatoes into the front yard garden box. Neither spud has emerged from the soil yet. And since it's been a few weeks since the small fingerlings were planted in the backyard, I uncovered a few for curiosity's sake. They are beginning to sprout potato roots, although they're still very small. Guess these guys are slow growers.

I also planted carrot seeds, some romaine lettuce starts, the watermelon seedlings I started indoors, and green onions we bought from the produce aisle at the grocery store. This week, we have a dinner recipe that calls for 1 green onion, so I pulled one out of the bunch and planted the rest in the garden. Once they're established, we'll have plenty of green onion for dinner meals. I've had grocery store green onions growing in the garden for years, but the snow a few months ago killed them.

Even with a week off due to sickness (though I did manage to beat Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising during my sniffle-fest), things were still a bit mellow in farmin' game land.

Indie Game Updates

Japanese countryside farming game SunnySide is now scheduled for a release date of May 24 for PC (Steam/Epic) and July 10 for home consoles (PlayStation 5 and XBox X/S, no Switch). This indie-developed farming game was crowdfunded in February 2021, in alpha until 2022, and is now finally being fully released. Huzzah!

To promote the release, Rainy Games has collaborated with user-supported merch maker Makeship to create a limited-release plushie of Sparky, the in-game helper drone. The Sparky plush costs about $30 and will be released at the end of July.

A demo of SunnySide is available on Steam, which gives you access to the first 10 days of the game to try things out. While the save file from the demo does not carry over to the full game, the character customizations picked during character creation can be saved as a .dat file from the character creation screen; though, I couldn't get it to save on my Steam Deck. It might be a PC-only thing...

Check out SunnySide and wishlist to be notified when the game is released:

During a presentation from the The Triple-I Initiative covering upcoming indie game announcements, Pathea revealed the multiplayer feature for My Time at Sandrock will soon support cross-platform play between PC and home consoles. Currently, the home console versions of Sandrock are single-player games. The up to 4-player co-op multiplayer is expected to be released later this summer. Once that occurs, home console players can hang out with their PC friends and pout in unity about Pen refusing to go steady. Gosh darn it... why are the best potential spouses unavailable for marriage...


With Echoes of the Plum Grove coming out at the end of the month (April 29) after 6 years of development, team Unwound Games revealed this week that a plethora of accessibility options will be available to players. This lets players decide the difficulty level of their historic farming gameplay experiences. Don't like diseases infecting the protagonist? Now it can be turned off! Players can also decide whether to enable hunger, tool durability, aging, item decay, and fishing mini-game timing. Make the game as challenging or as casual as you want. That's pretty neat.

You can wishlist Plum Grove on Steam:


Chibi character farming game A New Leaf: Memories released on early access this week. Initially developed by IronHeart Studios and crowdfunded in June 2021, the project overwhelmed the small team, and development stalled sometime after the alpha release in January 2022. Publisher Crytivo offered to move the development to another group, which was accepted by IronHeart around November 2022. Now, the game is under the development of Hidden Tower Studios while Crytivo continues to handle the publishing.

In this farming game, the protagonist is shipwrecked on Omoide Island and has lost their memories. The mayor gives the amnesiac visitor a small plot of land and some tools, and it's now up to them to create new memories. There's farming, fishing, mining, cooking, relationship building, quests, and more.

Crytivo plans to finish the PC build of the game, followed by a Nintendo Switch version after the PC edition is complete. Early access is estimated to last about 6 months to a year, so it may be some time before the Switch version is launched.

You can wish list this farming game on Steam today:

Until next time!

(Coleus sprouts are up to the 3rd leaves. Almost ready to transplant outside!)

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